An FM notch filter is used to reject strong FM signals in receiver applications. A good FM Notch filter will reject FM signals and have low insertion loss for signals outside the band.
This is a 9th order Filter with excellent rejection in the FM band. The filter works up to 3 GHz with minimal out-of-band insertion loss. This product is ideally suited for Ham radio applications and Software-defined radio receivers where typically there is minimal internal filtering. In the absence of a notch filter, FM signals can saturate the receiver. The specifications of this filter are comparable to ones on the market that cost at least twice as much.
Frequency (MHz) | Typical Attenuation (dB) |
55 | 1 |
75 | 4 |
80 | 8 |
88 | 60 |
98 | 85 |
108 | 25 |
150 | 0.8 |
200 | 0.5 |
1000 | 0.3 |
2000 | 0.9 |
3000 | 1.8 |
In Japan the FM band extends from 76 to 95 MHz while in North America it spans 88 to 108 MHz.
NOTE: Connectors are SMA-F