Digital Audio Broadcast notch filters are used to reject strong DAB signals. A good Notch filter will reject DAB signals and have low insertion loss for signals outside the band.
DAB signals can saturate a receiver very easily. If a receiver is saturated it will not be able to pick up signals in other bands for which it was designed. A DAB notch filter can prevent receiver saturation.
Frequency (MHz) | Attenuation (dB) |
130 | 1 |
140 | 2 |
150 | 2.7 |
160 | 5 |
170 | 19 |
174 | 35 |
180 | 60 |
185 | 75 |
190 | 75 |
195 | 75 |
200 | 70 |
205 | 70 |
210 | 70 |
215 | 60 |
220 | 45 |
225 | 30 |
230 | 20 |
235 | 8 |
240 | 5 |
250 | 3 |
270 | 1.6 |
Insertion loss from 300 MHz to 3 GHz < 1.5 dB
- The filter uses SMA-F connectors
- The Maximum RF input power for this filter is +30 dBm or 1 Watt