FM notch filters are used to reject strong FM signals.
A good FM Notch filter will reject FM signals and have low insertion loss for signals outside the band.
If you are looking for a FM notch filter that is optimized for the Airband Frequencies 118-138 MHz then try this one.
Frequency (MHz) Typical Attenuation (dB)
55 1.8
75 4
80 9
88 45
98 85
108 40
150 0.4
200 0.2
1000 0.2
2000 0.6
3000 1.0
In Japan the FM band extends from 76 to 95 MHz while in North America it spans 88 to 108 MHz.
NOTE: Connectors are SMA-F and SMA-M
Here is a Blog Post by KIELYDILE on our FM Notch filter