FM notch filters are used to reject strong signals in the frequency range 88 MHz to 108 MHz. A good FM Notch filter will reject FM signals and have low insertion loss for signals outside the band.
Strong FM signals are everywhere as it's a universal broadcast technology used from 88-108 MHz. Lately the popularity of devices with FM modulation in the same band has increased. These signals can saturate a receiver very easily. If a receiver is saturated it will not be able to pick up signals in other bands for which it was designed. An FM notch filter can prevent receiver saturation.
Unlike most FM notch filters on the market, this one has been carefully designed to preserve the Airband frequencies starting at 118 MHz.
Frequency (MHz) Typical Attenuation (dB)
55 1.8
75 3
80 5
88 25
98 75
108 14
118 4
150 1.2
200 0.6
1000 0.5
2000 0.5
3000 2
In Japan the FM band extends from 76 to 95 MHz while in North America it spans 88 to 108 MHz.
- The filter uses SMA-F connectors.
- The Maximum RF input power for this filter is +30 dBm or 1 Watt.